Update on the Florida Reef Tract Issue (E-Aquarium Conference 2021)
This is a collaborative presentation at the E-Aquarium Conference 2021 providing an update on the coral conservation project in Florida. Presenters include: Beth Firchau (AZA), Andy Stamper (Disney), Jim Kinsler (Seaworld), Nick McMahon and Cody Engelsma (Mote International Gene Bank), and Rache...
Cryopreservation to Secure Coral Reef Biodiversity (E-Aquarium Conference 2021)
Dr. Jon Daly's (Taronga Conservation Society Australia) presentation at the E-Aquarium Conference 2021. With coral reefs likely to face a significant loss of species and genetic diversity in the coming decades, the need for innovative restoration tools to conserve and secure existing coral biodiv...
Invasive Species Hitchhiking with Aquarium Pets (E-Aquarium Conference 2021)
Samuel Chan's (Oregon State University) presentation at the E-Aquarium Conference 2021. In the late winter of 2021, invasive zebra mussels were discovered in popular “Marimo Moss Balls” imported from Eastern Europe and sold in large pet, plant nursery and home decorator retailers across the US...
Coral Restoration at the Florida Aquarium (E-Aquarium Conference 2020)
Presentation by Racheal Serafin at the E-Aquarium Conference 2020 discussing conservation of corals at the Florida Aquarium.
Rachel Serafin is currently the Senior Coral Biologist at The Florida Aquarium's Center for Conservation in Apollo Beach, Florida. Originally from Tampa, she went to Mar...